Friday, May 22, 2009

The Buzz on Booze

What the heck is it with every time I go to a mainstream parents/mom website or pick up a magazine in the doctor's office geared toward moms that I have been finding something random suggesting that 1. It's ok to drink at a playdate, 2. Alcohol is necessary for good mental health, or 3. That the mom who brings booze around all the time is somehow better than the one that brings healthy (organic, minimally processed. etc) choices to functions is more worthy? If it were just one or two of the Adver-zines, that would be one thing, but it's ALL OVER! Is it just me being sensitive, or am I really seeing a trend here? It just seems so antithetical to responsible parenting that I'm continually shocked to read these little asides that seem to be randomly put into health and wellness articles, humor (which mom is more cool comparisons) and survival guides on playdates and pot lucks! Since when did alcohol become appropriate for every occasion?

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